Quarterly Earnings Release | Q4 & FY22
Kolkata, West Bengal, May 10th 2022: The Board of Directors of Avadh Sugar & Energy Limited (ASEL) (BSE: 540649 / NSE: AVADHSUGAR) at its meeting held on 10th May, 2022 took on record the audited Financial Results for the Quarter and Year ended 31st March 2022.
Key Highlights:
Total Ethanol capacity reached 325 KLPD in 2022
The Board has recommended a dividend of Rs 10 per equity share (100% of FV of Rs 10 per equity share)
Financial Performance Highlights:
Q4 FY22
Total Income at Rs. 760 crores
PAT at Rs. 51 crores
Total Income at Rs. 2,748 crores
PAT at Rs. 124 crores, growth of 59% YoY
Operational Performance Highlights:
Sugar production at 52.64 lakh qtls, sales at 62.09 lakh qtls and closing inventory at 29.07 lakh qtls (as on 31-Mar-22)
Sugar Realization for FY22 at Rs. 3,390/- per quintal as against Rs....
OnMobile Reports First Quarter Fiscal 2021 Results
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New Delhi, August 12, 2020: OnMobile Global Limited ("OnMobile") today announced the results for 1st Quarter FY21 ended...